Dear beloved friends
First of all, I’d like to greet you in Jesus name!
I have all the information now about the exam we had few days ago .
All our children made it!
I have no words enough to thank God for His precious support. I think it was the most difficult exam we faced until now. All the subjects were difficult than many expected. Especially, at Mathematics it was a lot to resolve which required very much attention. Maybe I forgot to tell you that our son, Paul -Timothy, also had to face this exam. He got a 9 from 10 at Mathematics! Timothy is a nice boy but not as attentive as Deborah. I ask go for an average but he gave me much more on this occasion!
This group we had this year was compound of kids coming from different denominations and I thank God that after this experience , I don t see any borders which can separate them from a wonderful friendship. Besides the wonderful results we have had during the time, a blessed relation can be seen among these children.
After much work , done with much pleasure, I thank God for supporting us but also for listening to our and your prayers! Then ,I and Ligia thank you all for Everything you are doing! We know and you also know that this project wouldn’t have been possible without th support of you all. This is the pure truth! Please, receive our thanks and gratitude but also our deepest respect!
Thank you so much for your monthly financial contribution which is a huge blessing for us, the project and many others!
My health situation is pretty good but- still, not very often I, have real headache problems. I try my best to take care as much as possible.
We will need some time to relax and we will see if there will be any possibilities for a time out of Brasov.
Dear beloved brother s and sisters, we thank God for you and for your whole availability!
Be blessed in His precious name!
Many greetings and may our Father in Heaven be with you both!
With much love in Christ,
Paul, Ligia and children